
The Tom Kubis Big Band - 搜索结果

歌名 歌手 操作
Police Squad ThemeThe Tom Kubis Big Band下载
Auld Long SyneThe Tom Kubis Big Band下载
Marie's ShuffleThe Tom Kubis Big Band下载
Step This Way, Sir (Alex Iles, Trombone Solo)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
I'm Gonna Tell (Tom Kubis, Tenor Sax Solo)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
Tango Blues (Jack Sheldon, Vocal Trumpet; Grant Geissman, Guitar)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
The Bluest Blues (Andy Martin, Trombone Solo)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
You Got to Have the Blues Sometimes (Rusty Higgins Tom Kubis, Tenor Saxes)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
Downtown Clown (Jeff Bunnell, Trumpet Solo)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
The Girl Can't Help It (Steve Allen, Vocal; Charlie Morillas, Trombone Solo)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
Jumpy Blues (Tom Kubis, Tenor Sax)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
I've Got to Get Another Baby (George Graham, Trumpet Solo)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
I'm Kinda Crazy (Trombone Solos - Alex Iles, Charlie Morillas, Andy Martin, Rich Bullock)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
Hoagy's Indiana (George Graham, Trumpet)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
Happy Tuesday (Jack Reidling, Piano)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
Fast Cars Fascinating Women (Tom Kubis, Tenor Sax Solo; Matt Johnson, Drum Solo)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
Livin' in L.a. (Steve Allen, Vocal; Grant Geissman, Guitar)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
Sultry Samba (Tom Kubis, Soprano Sax)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
Certain Nights I Have the Blues (Tom Kubis, Tenor Sax Solo)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载
In the Winter, in the Summer (Tom Kubis, Soprano Sax; Jack Sheldon, Trumpet)The Tom Kubis Big Band下载