
Amazing Grace - Jordan Smith.mp3

Amazing Grace - Jordan Smith.mp3
[00:00.00]Amazing Grace [...
[00:00.00]Amazing Grace
[00:06.67][03:06.13]Amazing Grace,how sweet the sound,
[00:21.50][03:14.30]That saved a wretch like me!
[00:35.46][03:23.51][03:42.47]I once was lost but now am found,
[00:48.37][03:52.29]Was blind,but now I see.
[01:01.98]T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear,
[01:13.89]And Grace,my fears relieved;
[01:25.01]How precious did that grace appear,
[01:36.97]The hour I first believed.
[01:48.54]Through many dangers,
[01:53.86]toils and snares,
[01:58.00]I have already come;
[02:07.78]T'was Grace that brought me safe thus far,
[02:16.68]And Grace will lead us home.
[02:26.25]When we've been there ten thousand years
[02:35.94]Bright shining as the sun.
[02:45.60]We've no less days to sing God's praise,
[02:55.19]Than when we've first begun.
[03:34.17]I was blind,but now I see.