[00:00.00] 作词 : 小安迪LilAndy/99God[00:01.00] 作曲 : 小安迪LilAndy/99God[00:02.00] 编曲 : 百川[00:14.46](小安迪 LilAndy)[00:15.06] I got no shxx[00:15.78]我的货放在这没人能扒[00:17.16] become the legend[00:17.85]庐州之子专拆蛇鼠一家[00:19.14]你还在阵营问题犹豫不决[00:21.57]手术刀帮你脑袋祛杂质[00:23.16]别在豆瓣等瓜吃无脑刷[00:24.51]评论天下事评你个 X子[00:25.98]凭你? sorry for that浪费智商[00:28.80]我随便的外星文 flow像顶在你脑门的 shotgun[00:31.23]流量把你阉割无情的下放[00:32.91]虚拟身份唇枪舌战寻找落差[00:34.47]坐高处占着茅坑的不进取享受浮夸[00:36.39]掌控你从众心理步步蚕食直到被下葬[00:38.70]我的每个咬字就像迫击炮待命[00:40.32]从地牢汲取养分灌溉成最腐烂的叛逆[00:42.21]共产的朋克正立不倒撕裂霸权的阵地[00:44.10]尽管辱骂我是蟑螂跳着优美的芭蕾[00:46.29]数据在拌着饭在偷着看[00:48.03]星光表象谁下个上当资本家工具狗[00:50.22]脑袋装膀胱[00:51.09]量产 motherfxxxxx you will never ever逃离这漩涡[00:53.70]掏心掏肺当苦工出过力挡过枪无奈相生相克[00:56.70]人家天生做寡头[00:57.57]慷慨激昂投个币揣着梦许个愿[00:59.49]你的盲盒上限最多拆到村上隆[01:01.38] DIE die die die die all the suckers die[01:12.30] DIE die die die die all the suckers die[01:15.09] DIE die die die die all the suckers die[01:22.44] DIE die die die die all the suckers die[01:46.05] look the real beast无需切换到 beast mode[01:48.00] natural born killer fxxkin your kingdom[01:49.95]被冷冻扔在狭窄空间滚烫的血液撑破血管无视精神的病痛[01:53.76]你在榨干脑浆 play the new drama[01:55.59]我用心合成一首歌比你西瓜大[01:57.51]你忙着谈论别人我在弹 Ibanez[01:59.52]都活在二进制的世界看谁赢的大[02:01.35]不变的目标让我保持亢奋斩断乱麻[02:03.24]畏手畏脚孩子快去找你叔叔爸爸[02:05.31]芝加哥打字机 dududada[02:07.02]戴上耳机声带振动为你灵魂鞭挞[02:15.18](99God)[02:15.21] Dadada da[02:15.48] Dadada da[02:15.72] Dadada da[02:15.96] Dadada[02:16.14] Apostrophe[02:16.65]省略号[02:16.86] Pop in it accolade stacking up a himalayas[02:18.72] what a hannibal bomb not a cat spitting[02:19.86]在这行收到的荣誉叠起有喜马拉雅这么高[02:21.00] yall dont get too much fun innar zone took a punch up in ur face rat a tat now the clocks ticking[02:22.98]在我们的领域你不会有太多时间整烂活[02:24.06] Lacking me like vitamin now get a pill[02:25.38] And im good for your mental health poison[02:26.43] For nobody else[02:26.82]他们需要我像需要维他命[02:27.51] Recollecting when I flowing make u drown hit the wave u on the beach[02:29.70] spinning ur head puking at ur flaws[02:30.72]我的 flow你绞尽脑汁也玩不透[02:31.53] Put up u so biteable like[02:32.10] Biscuit[02:32.31]兄弟你比饼干还脆[02:32.85] Stand up on ur coffin I go[02:33.51] Piss piss piss[02:33.87]站你棺材上 peepee[02:34.32] Got blicky on my hand[02:35.04] Now make a wish wish[02:35.49]头在我枪下最后许个愿吧[02:36.27] Pouring all the vodka no pity for the trips[02:37.71]饯行酒喝完就上路咯[02:38.37] Adios Adios boy[02:38.73]拜拜咯[02:39.00] See u on the other side[02:39.51]我们在另一边见[02:39.99] I got u no foy[02:40.77] This the eulogy I wrote for the sucker boy[02:42.54]这是我为你们这些 laji写的悼词[02:43.77] How you gonna compete with the god sent hxly boy[02:50.31]你们是没办法和天选之子竞争的[02:54.09] Period[02:54.27]句号[02:54.39] Dadada da[02:54.72](小安迪 LilAndy)[02:55.11] DIE die die die die all the suckers die[02:58.17] DIE die die die die all the suckers die[03:04.47] DIE die die die die all the suckers die[03:09.90] DIE die die die die all the suckers die[03:22.95] 录音 : 小安迪LilAndy/99God[03:23.95] 后期 : 小安迪LilAndy[03:24.95] 母带 : 小安迪LilAndy